Just a start
Hello to all who really want to read this - I don't have a whole lot to say yet but I will in the fugure. Please be patient since I'm kinda new at all of this.
Life takes us on a journey whether we're prepared or not. Enjoy it for what it is worth and learn to live each day as a special gift.
Happy b-lated B-day!! My sister-in-law turned me on to this. See her blog( the other one who commented on my blog) Her's is called Five A Day. She is a children's librarian, i married to my only brother, has two kids Zach in hte air force in England and Avery a senior in HS. she has two cats and I think a dog. My bro is still in the Air Force Reserve. Have fun w/ the blog stuff. I'm new too but kind of like the fact that I can check out what's going on with people I know when I have the time!
I know you have something to say!!!!
I keep checking but no entries.
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