Saturday, November 18, 2006

and a diet update!

I weighed in last week and the official total is now 70 lbs. I feel great and I'm looking a lot better. This picture was taken last night, when I went to a wine tasting dinner. Oh.. did I tell you about the restaurant in Stanton? If I didn't then you must not live here! It's called ParkAve and its outstanding. They have comfort food that's kicked up a notch. Great staff and the restaurant is one of those places where you can dress up or be comfortable in jeans.

Anyway, if I do say so myself... I think I look pretty darn good in this pic!

Crazed Look?

Someone made a comment about Sherrill's "crazed look" in my last post... so I thought I'd share a really "crazed look."

Friday, November 03, 2006

Mini Vacations

Okay, as a big time vacation type person, I whole heartedly recommend taking even little mini vacations. We spend too much time working and not enough time playing. With that in mind, I went up to Northern California and visited with Maddy and her human companions, Ron and Sherrill. They are building this beautiful house on a hill and I'm very, very envious! We tasted some great wine (hey, did you know its stronger there!) and had a great visit with each other. Yep, I definitely recommend mini vacations... you come back to work at least able to breath a little easier.. for a day or two!

These are some of my pics...

Sherrill and I had tea at this small place in Sutter Creek. They had a small shop next door and I spent.. um.. a little money!

This is the night time view from their property. Wow!
Now you know why I'm envious!

Doesn't she look relaxed... the *itch!! (lol)

So now I'm back at work... at least for a few weeks.. hum.. when can I take off again???